Issue Positions

Preserve Home Rule Zoning

Katie will oppose the Hochul Housing Compact and defend the rights of suburban communities to have Home Rule over their local zoning. Katie believes that responsible development that respects the rights of property owners, while also protecting our community from the growth of state-imposed housing requirements, is the best way to advocate for our quality of life

Cost of Living

For many on the Sound Shore, it has begun to feel like nothing works anymore. State mandates, out-of-control crime and a hostile business environment have made the American Dream impossible for many to live comfortably in New York. Katie will fight to reduce taxes, rein in spending and lower costs for consumers in their homes, at the pump and in the grocery store.

Public Safety

Katie will fight to end Cashless Bail and ensure that repeat offenders are taken off New York Streets permanently. The revolving door in our judicial system, that allows criminals to enter repeatedly with light sentences, must end and New York law must be enforced. Katie believes in the rule of law and support our great men and women in law enforcement. 

Fund Flood Mitigation Measures

Much of the Sound Shore lives at or below sea level. For decades, at-risk neighborhoods have seen floods inflict massive financial and material destruction, only to be handed empty promises from politicians who never deliver. As Assemblywoman, Katie will go beyond the photo ops to deliver more action and less hand-wringing by feckless bureaucrats. She will work with municipal governments to secure funding for flood prevention projects and to improve our roads, bridges and business infrastructure. 


As a member of the New York Assembly, Katie will be a voice of reason to repeal dangerous sanctuary policies that serve as a magnet for criminal illegal aliens. 

Protect Girl's Sports

Girl’s sports serve as a vital tool to empower our nations daughters and recognize their achievement. By allowing boys into girl’s sports, we create an uneven playing field that harms all women and creates unnecessary harm and division in our communities.